room in valpo


also from parade

hills in valpo

mostly I´m going to try to upload pics since I´m at a legit internet place but I don´t know how long it´ll take so I´ll just write a little
Valparaiso was really cool, I walked around during the day and watched the parade and rode some acensors up into the hills and looked at the pretty houses and views basically got adopted by my host at the alojomiento and she took me out to walk around at night and look at the lights and the ocean, and then we went out with her daughter to this cafe/bar and ate a huge plate of fries with onions and eggs and beef and listened to music and somewhow conversed in Spanish? I only understood like 1/4 of what she said but I think we covered topics such as: my dad´s job, her job, what movies we liked, politics, my trip.
In the morning I got on a bus to Mendoza and went over the Andes!!! Which was really really cool since I´m such a dork about mountains. The driver put on an American cop movie (possibly called The Fedreals? or something like that) which was kind of good but I got really annoyed because I din´t want to be distracted from the views. In Mendoza I ignored my guidebook´s recommendations for the first time (big step) and went to a random hostel closest to the bus station. My first hostel experience... mostly I´m really confused about who lives there all the time and who´s a guest.. there seem to be several large familys. I talked to a fat guy from Montana who said he spoke Ämerican and a German who maybe lives in Santiago now? or at least has a kid there. Now I´m trying to get in touch with the farm in Tunuyan (short bus ride from here), it´s unclear whether they actually know I´m coming and I don´t actually know how to get there from Tunuyan. So I might be here another night, we´ll see. Mendoza is kind of cold and cloudy but there´s lots of plazas I can wander through.

all the stuff I packed
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view from the plane

view of Santiago from Cerro something.. the hill you can see is the other big hill I went to

people dancing in the main plaza in Santiago

my room in Hostel Londres

fish in the mercado.. not quite the same as tokyo but pretty cool

this guy wanted me to take a picture with him and the fish

shellfish soup I accidentally ordered that didn´t make me sick!!

view of Santiago from the top of the big hill
Andea --
Way cool! I remember the ascensores in Valpariso. Elevators on the sidewalks...what a great idea. Seattle could use some.
-- da rent
fantastico! how do i follow your blog?? i talked to max, he's safe! blogs 4 lyfe!
photos are great! love the soup! but most of all I loved seeing the room at the hostel -- way classier than the only hostel I've stayed in, which was in Banff (Alberta) with your dad when I was pregnant with you . . ..
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