Saturday I got to check out another one of the Fundacion's programs, Matias, which is sort of a combination day care/food bank run out of a church in one of the barrios. There were a lot of volunteers there; I went with Joann the French guy (he helped me out with the 40 min collectivo ride there), and there were also two girls from Barcelona and a lot of local volunteers. We played with the kids (aged few months to 14 or so) who generally needed a lot of attention but were sweet/fun, and then we served them lunch and helped clean up. Below, some girls working on an art project; lunch in progress; the church where the commedor is located
That night I went to Diego's (from the Fundacion) house-warming party. It's still weird for me to wait until 11 or 12 or later to go out, but that's the way it goes here, and Saturday night at least it was still hot. The party was pretty much how I imagine 20/30 something parties are in the States.. lots of beverages and people standing/sitting around talking. So it wasn't that exciting but I managed like 3 conversations with strangers in Spanish so I decided to consider the night a success.
In the morning I was supposed to go to Plaza San Martin for some sort of traditional card game get-together with the Fundacion... which ended up being me eating a lot of medialunas (like sweet croissants) and watching old guys play truco, which I didn't even try to understand. But it wasn't a bad way to pass a nice spring morning.
Plaza San Martin
San Martin statue
playing truco
Beatriz and Diego
Mas fotos: The office of the Fundacion, ¨my¨ building, among others; me at the front door; the kitchen
Around Plaza Independencia: the Casa de Gobierno, Iglesia San Francisco, Iglesia Catedral, and the corner of the PLaza closest to my street
OKay sounds like Beatriz needs the computer, but I still have pictures of the park and pictures/stories about an adventure today. So more soon, hopefully..
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